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Sims (née Wallace), Frances ("Fanny") in addressee 
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John Wallace
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
28 December 1851
Source of text:
  • Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/96/3
  • Wallace Family Collection (private collection)
  • Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/100

Not being able to work mines in rainy season “exploded as a fallacy.” Most miners depend on working during rainy season to make up for losses during dry months. Ditches are cut in mountain streams when rain is scarce to supply running water; we’ve been doing that for six months. Our water will supply well over 20 miles of mines. Now chief surveyor for the Company, working on alterations with new steam-driven saw mill, and has supervised design and building of 15-mile road, using ox teams and wagons. All 150 workers toil without pay for future shares of company, expecting big payoff at completion. None of us were aware of the great magnitude of project at beginning; it “will be one of the greatest works yet attempted in this country.”

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
John Wallace
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
25 May 1852
Source of text:
  • Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/102
  • Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/96/5
  • Wallace Family Collection (private collection)
  • California Historical Society

In answer to questions, there are a few animals here not found in England: Grizley [sic] bear, Elk, polecat, wildcat, racoons, coyotes, and the “Cougar or Lion of California.” They mostly prowl about at night; not dangerous if left alone. With their arrows, local Indians kill birds, squirrels, and deer, which they chase to exhaustion on foot. After wounding one, they drive it toward their camp, so as to finish off the animal as near home as possible, eliminating need to carry it there. Great variety of wild fowl; insects in abundance, also scorpions and tarantulas. Also lizards, rattlesnakes (only dangerous one), and bizarre lizard, the “horned toad”, which can harmlessly spray blood out of its eyes. Could help ARW succeed here as either an insect hunter or gold miner/surveyor. “Times [have] changed surprisingly and rapidly; necessities and luxuries all now obtained at moderate charge.” Water works now returns 500 dollars a day to the Company; will soon be finished; has revealed new gold deposits; “no place in the world for a hard working man equal to California.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Mary Elizabeth Podger Wallace (née Webster)
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
14 May 1855
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/96/18

One of a set of excerpts of letters providing in-depth descriptions John Wallace's life in the gold mining town of Columbia, California, building a system to bring water to gold mining operations in the town.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Alfred Russel Wallace
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
25 June 1855
Source of text:
  • Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/34
  • Marchant, J. (Ed.). (1916). In: Alfred Russel Wallace; Letters and Reminiscences. Vol. 1. London & New York: Cassell & Co. [pp. 56-58]
  • Wallace, A. R. (1908). In: My Life: a Record of Events and Opinions (2nd edition). London: Chapman & Hall. [pp. 178-181]

Thomas Sims's photography business; Stevens' proposal to send ARW an assistant, desirable qualities in an assistant, Charles's deficiencies; Madame Pfeiffer's insect collection; news of Australian Expedition (A C Gregory [Northern Australian]; arrival of new missionary from England; wanting a shoe last; wanting news of John and Mary in California; collapse of Page, Bacon and Co; Dyak's delight in musical box.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Alfred Russel Wallace
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
[28 Sept. & 17 Oct. 1855]
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/35

The Sims' move to Conduit Street and photography business, with detailed advice and questions, suggests asking Mr Vignolles [Vignoles] to introduce their work at Royal Society Soirees; mother's future; post from England and arrival of a box with shoes (good) and bacon (spoiled).

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Alfred Russel Wallace
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
20 February [1856]
Source of text:
  • Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/37
  • Marchant, J. (Ed.). (1916). In: Alfred Russel Wallace; Letters and Reminiscences. Vol. 1. London & New York: Cassell & Co. [pp. 60-61]
  • Wallace, A. R. (1908). In: My Life: a Record of Events and Opinions (2nd edition). London: Chapman & Hall. [pp. 182-183]

Departure from Sarawak, leaving Charles behind; admirable character of Sir James Brooke; slow healing of injured foot; good collection of insects in Borneo; Sims' photography business; Fenton's Crimea photographs; justification of Crimean war.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
John Wallace
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
17 September 1856
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/96/19

One of a set of letters providing in-depth descriptions John Wallace's life in the gold mining town of Columbia, California, building a system to bring water to gold mining operations in the town.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Alfred Russel Wallace
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
10 December 1856
Source of text:
  • Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/40
  • Marchant, J. (Ed.). (1916). In: Alfred Russel Wallace; Letters and Reminiscences. Vol. 1. London & New York: Cassell & Co. [p. 64]

Arrival of letters from home; birth of first niece or nephew; expense of Sims's rent and financial burden to his mother; departure for Aru in two days time; diet on Aru, list of food stores to be taken, scarcity of fowl, will eat Birds of Paradise and Kangaroo; friends and family; Eliza Roberts's moustache.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Mary Ann Wallace (née Greenell)
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
4 April [1859]
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/109

No summary available.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project