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Mary Watson- Wentworth
Sir James Edward Smith
[25 Nov 1790]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/97, The Linnean Society of London

'Gordonia pubescens' dropped off this morning and was examined, sends principle part of flower. The new 'Geranium' in her stove which Smith pointed out is coming into flower, suggests that [James] Sowerby sketch it. Requests copies of Sowerby's "Florist" to circulate in Yorkshire.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/73, The Linnean Society of London

Discouraged by Smith's mention of the difficulties of settling the mints, but not yet abandoning his intention; sending Smith all his specimens, discusses 'Mentha sativa', 'M. gentilis', 'M. exigua', 'M. villosa', and 'M. sylvestris'.

Compliments to [James] Sowerby, intends to take his "little work" ["English botany"], "the botanist searches in vain for something to feast upon". Compliments Smith's "Icones pictae" but unable to purchase it. Encloses two 'Squilla' for determination.

The Linnean Society of London
Mary Watson- Wentworth
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Dec [1790]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/98, The Linnean Society of London

Requests introduction to [John] Fairbairn for her gardener, Grieg, to see Chelsea [Physic Garden] plants and the 'Heleconia' coming into flower, and for him to view Smith's Linnaean collections. Hopes [Joseph von] Jacquin will stay in England this winter "for I should think the troubles at Paris must interrupt all science, as well as pleasure", and if he stays till summer will arrange for him to visit her, Bulstrode [Park, Buckinghamshire, home of Duke of Portland], and Mrs North's and [Charles Bennet, 4th Earl of] Tankerville's [(1743-1822)] collections.

'Myrtus tomentosa' about to flower, will tell Smith for his book as it has never been figured ["Icones pictae plantarum rariorum..."]. Would like to see painting of 'Aralia' before given to Jacquin for his father [Nikolaus von Jacquin]; it is very tall and flowered on three branches this year compared to last year's five.

The Linnean Society of London
Antonio José Cavanilles
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/40, The Linnean Society of London

Cost of work supported by Government; doubts about Smith's determination of the seed; Lamarck and Linnaeus; a great fire.

The Linnean Society of London
Mary Watson- Wentworth
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/99, The Linnean Society of London

As she knows that "Doct[o]r Smith's memory retains ever plant that he ever saw, or ever read of" asks her to identify plant in her pine hothouse in kitchen garden just now come into flower, sends specimen of flowers and leaf for [James] Sowerby to paint if rare, in similar style to the 'Catesbaea' he did for her.

"The Home Oracle" agreed with her that the 'Gordonia' is correctly placed in "Hortus Kewensis" and also concurred on its resemblance to 'Camelia' in part of flower; asks Smith to explain his separation of the two "sister 'Gordonias'. Uncertain if her new 'Geranium' will flower. Asks Sowerby to directly send the two numbers of his "Florist". Thinks Sowerby's small work mentioned by Smith "would be very pleasing" ["English Botany"] but as it would feature English plants fears it would interfere with [William] Curtis' ["Botanical magazine"] and the "great work of English plants".

The Linnean Society of London
Gabriel Eleonore Merlet de la Boulaye
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/63, The Linnean Society of London

Letter sent by Merlet de la Boulaye in Angers to Smith. Introduces Baron de Rillé and requests introductions to Banks and Aiton

The Linnean Society of London
Mary Watson- Wentworth
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/100, The Linnean Society of London

Looking forward to Smith and [Richard] Salisbury's visit on Monday from Bulstrode [Park, Buckinghamshire, home of Duke of Portland]. Hopes weather will be more settled after the "truly tremendous & extraordinary storm we had here from four o'clock till past six this morning". Fears lack of sunshine will have affeteced her hothouse plants. Asks Smith to bring his first volume of [Sir Hans] Sloane's [(1660-1753), physician and collector] "[Voyage to] Jamaica" for figure of "that little plant". Thanks for seeds and directions to plant figure in L'Héritier.

The Linnean Society of London
Charles Louis L'Héritier de Brutelle
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/5/62, The Linnean Society of London

Civil duties; appointed a judge; recovery of his son.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/44, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 29 November [1790]. His health good this winter; surprised at the effect of quicksilver, knowing it can only act mechanically, yet it removes any obstruction. Gave up shooting as he believed the violent exercise in hot weather caused stomach spasms.

"Charmed" by first number of "English botany": the paper, print, and execution of the plates "so much superior" to [William] Curtis' "Magazine"; advises [James] Sowerby to avoid "Flora Londinensis" plants for as long as possible. Recommends Sowerby's figure of 'Lycoperdon coliforme' for "Spicilegium botanicum" or "English botany". Discusses his paper on 'Lycoperdon'; rough draft almost finished; nine-tenths will be a response to [Charles] Bryant's [(d 1799)] pamphlet; requests references from Smith, listed. Fear of gout.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/2, The Linnean Society of London

Recently suffered recurrence of his old complaint affecting his teeth. Sorry Smith did not call on him in Bury on his way to Norfolk. Spent two days in Bungay, [Suffolk], with [Thomas] Woodward: weather bad but saw living species of 'Orobanche ramosa' growing with 'Cannabis sativa' at Meltingham, offers specimen; collected specimen of 'Pyrola rotundifolia' on Bradley Common near Gorleston, growing with 'Salix caprea', 'Sphagnum palustre', 'Hydrocotyle vulgaris', and 'Valeriana dioica'; could not find 'Gentiana pneumonanthe' from his late brother's [Sir John Cullum, 6th baronet (1733-1785)] habitat near Lowestoft church due to drainage of the wet common and enclosures.

Recommends [James] Sowerby do new drawings for Smith's new edition of "Flora Lapponica", and that the frontispiece be an engraving of Sir Joseph Banks' portrait of Linnaeus; hopes that the frontispiece of the new proposed edition of "Historis muscorum" will be an engraving of Dillenius from the Oxford portrait. Requests Smith's assistance in finding London lodgings. Publications: asks Smith's opinion of last fasciculus of "Flora Danica"; sent a poor tenth volume of the "Amunitates" by White [publisher]; wishes for someone to go on with a "Flora Londinensis" or "Flora Anglica" and to see the two new volumes of [John] Latham's "Description of birds".

The Linnean Society of London
Dorothy Bentinck
Sir James Edward Smith
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/66, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Smith for gift, glad the print she sent via [Samuel] Goodenough was acceptable.

The Linnean Society of London
Jane Barrington
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Jan 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/56, The Linnean Society of London

She has a plant flowering that [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert thinks is the first 'Satyrium plantageum' to flower in England as it is not in "Hortus Kewensis"; offers to send it along with 'Pharos latifolia.

The Linnean Society of London
William Beeston Coyte
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Jan 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/21/77, The Linnean Society of London

The specimen of 'Tradescantia' from [Nicholas] Gwyn came from his hothouse, has a specimen for [William] Aiton [(1731-1793), director Kew Gardens 1759-1793]. Requests books: L'Héritier's "Sertum Anglicum", and Salisbury's "Flora Lapp.". Enjoyed second number of [James] Sowerby's ["English botany"]; recommends addition to the plates of the parts of fructification, avoiding repetition of the plants in "Flora Londinensis". Received seeds of 'Galeopsis villosa' last year, and seed of 'Scorzonera tingitana' from Mrs Hasell.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Jan 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/61, The Linnean Society of London

Believes the specimens of [William] Hudson's 'Mentha villosa' he received from [Samuel] Goodenough are 'Mentha sylvestris', confirmed by Linnaeus and Ray in "Historiae plantarum"; further observations on it. Received 'Mentha sativa' from Bath from Goodenough, who believes Pitchford's garden 'M. satvia' is 'M. gentilis'. Confusion over figures of 'M. sylvestris' and other 'Mentha' species in "the old authors" Hudson, [John] Gerard [(1545-1612)], [John] Ray, and [John] Parkinson [(1567-1650)]. Has thirteen customers for [James] Sowerby's work [presumably "English Botany"], and one for [James] Dickson's "Plan[tarum] Crypt[ogamicarum]". Dickson sent him '[Acrostichum] ilvense', thinks it different from the Swedish specimen. Will consult [William] Sole on 'Mentha'. Received 'Sium repens' from Dr Randolph of Oxford, found by [John] Sibthorp, new to England, asks if it is also a new Linnaean one.

The Linnean Society of London
Louis Augustin Guillaume Bosc
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Jan 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/68, The Linnean Society of London

Bust of Linnaeus erected in Jardin des Plantes. Paris Linnean Society reformed as the Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, Smith made an Associate.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Feb 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/45, The Linnean Society of London

Repeats list of references needed for his 'Lycoperdon' paper [Smith has annotated in pencil his responses and remarks].

Requests copies of Smith's "Icones pictae" and "Spicilegium botanicum". Encloses letters from Sir John Rous' [1st Earl of Stradbroke (1750-1827), politician] gardener and a friend at Yoxford, [Suffolk], on 'Cyclamen europaeum' in its apparent wild state.

The Linnean Society of London
Richard Pulteney
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Feb 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/88, The Linnean Society of London

Wishes he could be in London to attend auction of Paitoni's books. Pleased to hear Smith is contemplating a "Flora Anglica" and new edition of "Flora Lapponica", suggests including all the new plants discovered since publication of "Species plantarum". Astonished by the number of botanical books being published; feels so far left behind that he must give it up. Requests books by L'Héritier; asks Smith's opinion of Krocker's "Flora Siberiaca".

Requests Smith's vote for William Frazer's candidacy at the Royal Society. Asks Smith to bid on his behalf for lot 8585 at Paitoni's election, work by Ehrhet.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Feb 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/29, The Linnean Society of London

This letter is comprised of five double folios, each individually addressed.

Recently learnt that the parcel of plants he sent on 12 November was almost lost on the Goodwin Sands. Ashamed at his lethargy in completing his book. Observations on plants he has sent Smith in previous packets: no 30 in parcel of [22 May] 1789 by Mandrot 'Arenaria verna', no 6 in [31 May] 1790 parcel by Mandrot is 'Potentilla opaca'. Stubborness of Villars, his 'Arenaria triflora' is Smith's 'Arenaria pubescens', confusion over 'Potentilla'. Wishes Linnean Society had a small botanic garden for study of obscure European plants. Extensive numbered comments on parcel of plants sent via Mr Gooch 27 February 1790 [12 folios].

Observations on 'Crepis virens', 'Anemone', 'Saxifraga burseriana', 'Carduus acanthoides', 'Carduus inclinans'. Finds it difficult to remain indoors and focus on his book. Received "Icones pictae", it surpasses Jacquin's work especially figures of 'Euphorbia punicea'. Praises "English Botany". Asks Smith's advice for dealing with dispute between Wyttenbach and Haller on one side and himself and Lechenal on the other, percipitated by his becoming involved in the Swiss flora with his own book, they have reportedly left off thiers after Lechanel's refusal to be involved; details of events and occurences, if not for Smith they would disgust him from botany. Asks Smith's advice: his Latin is insufficient for completing his book and Wyttenbach has offered to look it over, must either trust to him or give it up. His health has been poor, stems from stomach which is weak and led him to becoming costive, prescribed infusion of rhubarb in cold water and a mixture chiefly containing Minderuus' spirit. Believes he gathered 'Lichen testaceus' for Smith. If he should die his books and plants should be admitted to Smith's use, as his botanical work is done solely for his benefit. Offers his work to Smith to be published as Linnaeus published work of his disciples.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Feb 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/62, The Linnean Society of London

Returns Smith's 'Mentha gentilis', believes it the plant of Linnaeus and wild although [Edmund] Davall not as as specific as he would wish, makes his own observations including reference to [John] Ray's "Hist[oriae plantarum]", only needs to see [Philip] Miller's 'M. gentilis' and 'M. sativa' specimens to complete his work. Observations on the 'M. corolla', believes it will help distinguish most species. Observations on Smith's notes of the different specimens: 'M. arvensis', 'M. sativa', 'M. sylvestris', 'M. rotundifolia', 'Menthiastic aquatici'; hopes [Samuel] Goodenough has conceded that his 'Mentha villosa' is 'M. sylvestris'; further observations on these in postscript. Explains errors is Fuschius' figures. Thanks Smith for specimen of 'Schoenus ferrugineus'. Miller's 'Mentha gentilis'.

The Linnean Society of London
Mary Watson- Wentworth
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Feb 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/101, The Linnean Society of London

Returns and apologises for keeping Smith's copy of [Hans] Sloane's "[Voyage to] Jamaica" for so long and sends specimen of "provoking grass" for identification; it was grown from Jamaican seeds last year and is now almost taller than her pine hothouse. Her great 'Portlandia' is flowering again and has been doing so ten months out of twelve. Mrs [Elizabeth] Weddell admires Smith's ["Icones pictae plantarum rariorum..."]; requests the smaller sized one. Affected very much by the "variable uncommon weather". Her 'Moraea northiana' about to flower.

The Linnean Society of London