No summary available.
No summary available.
Applied to Admiralty for 'instruments' for the African [Committee?]. Will bring Henry Kater's theodolite and copies of Taylor's and Hutton's tables for Duncan Stewart.
Encloses note to Sir Roderick, who is ill. Margaret's strength is returning, but she faces painful confinement 'down here.' Asks JS to carry out one of JH's duties as executor of JH's cousin Thomas Baldwin.
JH's time to depart is not far off. What to do with additional lenses? Enquires about winter weather in Crimea. Will go to Collingwood Friday.
Impending struggle will be 'most formidable we have ever had.' Both sides are wrong. Wishes military were better armed and English people less 'Sybaritious.' Hails 'freedom of the Press.' Send document on 'faculty pew' to Slough church.
Invites JS to Sunday dinner with JH's sons Alexander and John.
Accepts an invitation to dinner.
About son Willy's school habits and about daughter Caroline, as reported by her father-in-law[?].
Reports on and recommends for publication [William?] Baxter's paper detailing experiments 'on living and recently dead animals' to determine signs of current electricity manifested during 'organic process of secretion.'
Doubts that there is any significant difference of density between the northern and southern hemisphere.
Tells AQ of his daughters's fevers. Rejoices in the power of science to distract him temporarily from worries. Hopes to complete his Catalogus generalis nebularum by end of R.S.L. session.
Gratitude for books sent by AD. Encloses AD's biography of William Herschel with JH's comments.
A light hearted letter to CH, together with a few lines for JH's wife, Margaret.
Recommends unreservedly for publication in R.S.P.T. papers by G. G. Stokes and Baden Powell.
[Letter entirely 'in cipher' (code) except for 'Dear Babbage.']
Copy formula and send it to [Richard?] Taylor.
Bad news: a Frenchman has submitted a design for a mathematical machine.
Unable to attend the Astronomical Society meeting. Encloses two papers for him to deal with.
Hopes to see him in town and then they can go to see Joseph Clement. His observations are being spoilt by bad weather.
News concerning Edward Ryan.