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Nathaniel Wallich
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Jan 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/65, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses letters from Colonel [Thomas] Hardwicke and the Archdeacon of Calcutta [Henry Lloyd Loring (c 1784-1822)] introducing himself to Smith. Offers to send seeds and plants for Smith as well as papers for "Linnean Transactions", possible subjects include: [William] Roxburgh's 'Orchis picta' (his 'Chrysobaphus roxburghii', Rumphius' 'Folium petolatum'); two species of [Robert] Brown's 'Broughtonia' which possibly form a distinct genus, (one is Smith's 'Epidendrum praecox'); and his 'Begonia paniculata'. A parcel of seeds has been dispatched for Smith, containing capsules of Smith's 'Rhododendron arboreum'; a new "arborescent species with snow-white flowers"; and his 'Lida aurita'.

The Linnean Society of London
Nathaniel Wallich
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Jul 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/66, The Linnean Society of London

Parcel of specimens for Smith sent via Captain Williamson, commander of the Larkins. Hopes to send larger collection shortly, including expected Nepalese plants, which he hopes will add to Smith's Nepalese plants received from [Francis] Buchanan. Hopes to send specimens of plants described by Smith in "Exotic Botany" and [Abraham] Rees' "Cyclopedia", including: oaks, 'Orchideae', 'Paris polyphylla', 'Primula', 'Rhododendron', plus other specimens, including: 'Hedychium', 'Andromeda', 'Arbutus', 'Gaultheria', a large number of ferns, 'Ligustrum', 'Fraxinus', 'Gramina', etc. Warns Smith that some of the labels on the first package may be erroneous.

The Linnean Society of London
Nathaniel Wallich
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Dec 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/68, The Linnean Society of London

Box of 66 roots [listed at end of letter] and chest of 10 live plants from Nepal and north-west frontiers of Bengal [listed at end of letter] dispatched via Captain James Jackson, commanding the Charles Mills. A similar box of roots sent to Revd H H Norris, Hackney, London, by Bishop of Calcutta [Thomas Middleton (1769-1822)]. The Nepalese plants were collected by [Edward] Gardner [(b 1784), resident at Court of Rajah of Nepal at Katmandu]. Observations on each of the live plants, some in Latin.

Growing plants sent: 'Primula prolifera' Wallich; 'Cypripidium venustum' Wall.; 'Cypripidium insigne' Wall.; 'Lilium napalense' Wall.; 'Chrysobaphys roxburghii' Wall. ('Folium petolatum' Rumph. Amb. VI.93 t.41.f.3); 'Saxifraga ligulata' Wall.; 'Epidendrum procax' (Exot.Bot.II.p.73 t.97. Broughtonia?); 'Convallaria oppositifolia' Wall.; 'Acrostichum flagelliferum' Wall. ('Panna-Mara-Masauasa' Rheed. Mal.XII. 39.t.19); 'Paris polyphylla' Buch. (Sir J E Smith in Rees' "New Cyclopedia" in loco).

The Linnean Society of London