Sent some Edinburgh ale to the Herschels. Will not patent telescope. Discusses Giovanni Santini's article on telescopes in the Quarterly Journal.
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Sent some Edinburgh ale to the Herschels. Will not patent telescope. Discusses Giovanni Santini's article on telescopes in the Quarterly Journal.
Responds to JH's request for RS's opinion on [H. C.] Schumacher's contributions to astronomy. Praises Schumacher extensively.
JH's Board of Longitude salary [£75] from June through Dec. 1828 has not been picked up. If JH does not claim it soon, it will be cancelled.
Capt. Kater is too unwell to write, but he would like to know whether JH is likely to claim the Navy Bills for his term as Commissioner of Longitude, as Kater will do whatever JH does in this matter.
Thrilled to be named godmother of JH's first child.
Would like to rent the piece of land at Upton, lately occupied by Mr. Davenport.
Intends to preface each great division of his Cyclopaedia with a preliminary discourse by an author of repute. Would JH contribute one on Natural Philosophy? Can offer £250. Would also like an article on Sir William Herschel later on.
Giving observations on stars. Discussion of clock rates and sky sweeps.
Of a romance that JG has written.
Commander Richard Copeland wishes to be remembered to him. Sends his own congratulations to Mrs. Herschel (Margaret).
Asks JH to translate a letter of JG's into French.
Would like his opinion on the merits of the camera lucida of G. B. Amici and W. H. Wollaston. Half dead with idleness here at Paris, but hopes to return to London soon.
Has been confined to bed with pleurisy. Davies Gilbert called yesterday and gave startling news of the wonders of James South's new telescope. Can JH inform him of its true capabilities? Gilbert talks of having an object glass of 2" diameter made of Michael Faraday's glass.
She understands Davies Gilbert's report was from James South. JH's description of the telescope meets Kater's ideas. Kater has been much struck by William Parsons' (3rd Earl of Rosse) experiments on the formation of large mirrors. Wishes JH had called him when he was in town.
Has confirmed the existence of a sixth star in the Nebular Trapezium [of Orion]. Discusses interest among leaders of the Astronomical Society in securing a royal charter. Asks for JH's views.
No summary available.
Thanks JH for attention to Mrs. Somerville's work [Mechanism of the Heavens]. Please send any part of the work that he has finished.
Is carrying out a study of double stars, comments on some readings, and would welcome any of JH's observations. Is planning to build up the library commenced by J. E. Bode at the Observatory. The chart of T. J. Hussey is being engraved.
Informing JH that he and GA have just been appointed to a committee to consider the extension of the Astronomical Society's catalogue. Observations on this catalogue.
No summary available.