King of Netherlands received copy of JH's Cape Results and wishes to award gold medal to JH. Does JH accept?
King of Netherlands received copy of JH's Cape Results and wishes to award gold medal to JH. Does JH accept?
Returns JFR’s copies of Transactions [Agric. & Hortic. Soc. India]. Has not found quite as much as he thought he might on varieties of Indian domestic animals and plants; "the attempts at introduction have been too recent for the effects, if any, of climate to have been developed". Is impressed by the work of the English in India.
Asks help in forwarding copies of JH's Cape Results to U.S. List of 19 recipients and addresses. Asks GB's help in correcting errors before JH inscribes copies.
Wants WH's quaternion mathematics to be challenged; also worries that quaternions will become merely 'a private and personal skill' instead of a method that can be taught.
In response to JH's letter to the late Count [Polton?], Revel will forward two copies of JH's Cape Results to Turin for distribution to academic institutions.
Thanks MH for fulfilling promise. Hails JH's [Cape Results] as grand testimony to God's infinite power.
Questions Mrs W on difference in flight capacity of male and female silkworm moths and asks her for results of experiments he suggested she do with silkworms to determine hereditariness of dark "eyebrows". [See Variation 1: 302.]
Will call for JH's [Cape Results] when in London. One of WP's assistants reported ring around Neptune last winter, but WP is skeptical. Instruments idle for nine months. WP too busy with [Irish famine] relief. Wrote to T. R. Robinson to find competent assistant.
Thanks JH for citing CW's 'endeavours in connexion with Mr. [Sherman?].'
Will soon marry [Frances] Selwyn, sister of Bishop of New Zealand. Favorable comments on [Cape Results].
Thanks for the address of the Admiralty; will send the instrument away in three weeks. Would JH send his observations to them via Williams Norgate (bookseller).
Received 112 epigraphs inscribed by JH for insertion into presentation copies [of JH's Cape Results], to be distributed as directed.
Has letter from CD asking for copy of DM-H’s paper ["On the parallel roads of Lochaber" (1847), Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 16 (1849): 395–418]. RC still has suspicions and looks forward to further testing of Glen Roy mystery.
Relating to the appointment of Langham Dale to the staff of the South African College.
Has been appointed Apothecary General. His own wife's health has not been good. Hopes all is well at Collingwood. What is he doing about William? Comments on the field open to chemistry students.
Gratitude on behalf of observatory trustees for receipt of JH's Cape Results. Distributed copies as directed.
Comments on electrical equipment, and then refers to a variety of experiments, including shocking chickens awake that have been given ether, and the study of other electrical effects on gases and various liquid substances. Wonders about the use of ether/electric shock on humans in surgery. Congratulates JH on his Cape Results.
[Form letter] Royal Academy of Science and Humanities acknowledges receipt of JH's Cape Results.
Praises JH's Cape Results. Sends EC's paper read at Royal Irish Academy, three engravings of EC's 'Circle,' and EC's recent work dabbling 'in other than Astronomical affairs.'
Discusses David Milne’s Glen Roy paper ["On the parallel roads of Lochaber", Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 16 (1849): 395–418]. Rejects Milne’s theory that outlet of Glen Roy is blocked by detritus. Impressed by Milne’s discovery of an outlet at the level of the second shelf. Believes this strengthens theory that lakes were formed by glacier blocking Glen Roy. Offers arguments against glacier theory.