[Form letter] Invitation to attend annual awards ceremony at College for Civil Engineers.
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[Form letter] Invitation to attend annual awards ceremony at College for Civil Engineers.
Asks JH to compare the stars in Thomas Henderson's reductions to those in N. L. Lacaille's Coelum australe stelliferum.
Sorry he did not see JH in London. Hopes JH will support John Lefevre for a position at the University.
Requests permission to include JH on list of '[Five?]' presidents of hospital.
Received JH's lists of suggested recipients [of presentation copies of JH's Cape Results]. Wishes to discuss them with JH.
How to evade attending the Queen's ball. Thanks for information on the moon.
Regarding the final payments for the Liverpool Telescope.
In explanation of [15:399] reminds JH of all he wrote for Astronomische Nachrichten previously. Cannot attend B.A.A.S. meeting because of daughter's wedding, but would have declined anyway because of foreseen arguments over the merits of J. C. Adams and U. J. J. Leverrier. Thanks JH for standing invitation to visit England.
James Hayday is recommended as best bookbinder [for Cape Results]. Explanation of how to bind copies for royal patrons. Encloses list of eleven royal recipients and Hayday's address. What shall AP do with JH's correspondence with late Hugh Percy?
Sends ideas about southern deviation of bodies falling from the perpendicular. Desires corrections. Is investigating methods of launching bodies so they fall without deflection.
Should ES send thermometers to observatories? JH and [Francis] Beaufort to consider debt owed to Hudson Bay Company. Sends letter describing photometer of [John] Ball for JH's opinion.
Promises to send to JH copies of J. J. L. Lalande's Catalogue of Those Stars in the Histoire céleste française..., and of N. L. Lacaille's Catalogue of 9766 Stars in the Southern Hemisphere by week's end. WS has tried to connect Francis Baily with JL's Catalogue in a 'formal' manner.
Offers his rooms to JH when he attends the B.A.A.S. meeting.
Does he know anything about E. J. Lowe's book [Treatise on Atmospheric Phenomena, 1846] on atmospheric phenomena? Looks good but cannot trust his own judgement. Could not dine with him as he had another appointment.
The Professor of Botany at the Royal Dublin Society has died. Would like to propose their friend W. H. Harvey for the position. Would JH write a letter of commendation to the Society?
Exultant that J. J. L. Lalande's Catalogue of Those Stars in the Histoire céleste française... and N. L. Lacaille's Catalogue of 9766 Stars in the Southern Hemisphere will be published tomorrow. Asks whether it would be appropriate for the B.A.A.S. to present copies of these two catalogs to J. C. Adams and to U. J. J. Leverrier; discusses other people who deserve copies. In printing and publishing the catalogs, they have spent all of the grant money.
AP's name should not appear in dedication of JH's Cape Results. Consulted friend; awaiting reply. But will accept whatever JH wishes.
Has no one else to offer his rooms so they are at JH's disposal. Has notified Mr. Hill that JH will be requiring them.
Sends the revised financial report that records the final printing and publication costs of J. J. L. Lalande's Catalogue of Those Stars in the Histoire céleste française... and N. L. Lacaille's Catalogue of 9766 Stars in the Southern Hemisphere.
Now has in hand published copies of J. J. L. Lalande's Catalogue of Those Stars in the Histoire céleste française... and N. L. Lacaille's Catalogue of 9766 Stars in the Southern Hemisphere.