Requests printing of diagram for new [6th] edition of Origin. Thinks 6s may be too dear for a cheap edition.
Dallas has done an excellent glossary.
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Requests printing of diagram for new [6th] edition of Origin. Thinks 6s may be too dear for a cheap edition.
Dallas has done an excellent glossary.
CD is vexed to hear that some of his friends and some booksellers complain of the type of the new [6th] edition of Origin. CD, whose eyesight is not good, had no trouble reading proofs.
Queries and suggestions for arrangements about foreign editions of Expression.
CD must see proofs for lettering on the plates [for Expression] to ensure that it matches the text.
Asks whether he can tell Appleton that Murray will supply clichés and stereotypes [for Expression] at only a small profit. Will make same offer to other foreign editors. Prefers that W. S. Dallas prepare the index.
On arrangements for paying for stereotyped plates for Expression. D. Appleton will be told not to publish "an hour before" Murray.
CD suggests fair way for the Heliotype Company to charge for new negatives and copies of plates.
Is greatly relieved to hear that the estimate [of the Heliotype Company] was a mistake. Sends lettered copies of seven plates for Expression, and discusses payment to be made by foreign editors for copies of the plates.
Arrangements for the plates for Expression and charges to be made for them to foreign editors.
Will inform all foreign publishers that John Murray will supply 1000 copies of heliotype plates [for Expression] for £75. CD would not have used so many photos had he foreseen the cost, but woodcuts would not have done.
CD has given translation right [for Expression] to Dutch publisher Joh. Ijkema.
Asks JM to send copies of all his books to Anton Dohrn.
Koch [of Schweizerbart] requires 3000 sets of copies of the heliotype plates [for German edition of Expression].
Arrangements for foreign editions [of Expression]. Delay by Heliotype Company is provoking.
CD is delighted and astonished at sale of Expression,
and pleased with sale of others, except Descent. He fears a new edition of that work may never be required. Would have liked to bring out a thoroughly revised one.
Thanks JM for £210 on last reprint of Origin [6th ed.]. Pleased by its sale
and by the success of Expression.
Requests that JM make stereotype plates of 6th edition of Origin available to D. Appleton. This will be last edition and CD is "extremely anxious" to spread his views.