Encloses statement of U. S. sales of CD’s work to 29 April 1878 and sends a cheque for balance due to CD.
Showing 1–11 of 11 items
Encloses statement of U. S. sales of CD’s work to 29 April 1878 and sends a cheque for balance due to CD.
Encloses cheque for balance listed on accompanying statement of sales [see 10401].
Stereo plates for new edition of Variation have been sent to New York.
Encloses statement of sales for Origin, Expression, Descent and Insectivorous plants and sends a cheque for the balance due to CD.
Encloses statement of U. S. sales of CD’s works to 1 Feb 1880 and sends a cheque for balance due to CD.
Encloses statement of U. S. sales of CD’s works to 1 Aug 1880 and a cheque for the balance due to CD.
Encloses statement of U. S. sales of CD’s works to 1 Feb 1881 and sends cheque for balance due to CD.
Encloses statement of US sales of CD’s works and sends a cheque for the balance due to CD.
Appleton & Co. wish to be supplied with set of stereotype plates of CD’s new book [Descent] for American market; will pay for cost of plates, and 10% of sales to CD.
Also desire plates for new edition of the Origin.
Asks CD to have stereotype plates made of new edition of Origin [5th English], if type still standing, though Appleton will reset type if necessary. Warns there is smaller audience in the U. S. for "good scientific books".
Appleton would also like plates made of new book [Descent] when possible.
Has received letter from Appleton’s that they agree to reprint from the latest edition of the Origin [5th English] and will add corrections sent by CD.
They wish also to receive early sheets of new book [Descent] on which they will pay £10.
Will send cheque for sales of Origin, based on older agreement between Appleton’s and Asa Gray to pay CD 5%.
Is satisfied with CD’s arrangement with Murray for Appleton’s to pay $50 [pounds or dollars!?] for stereo plates and clichés of 21 woodblocks for CD’s new book [Expression, see 8217]. Has ordered 5000 sets of plate impressions from Robert Cooke at Murray’s.