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Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project in contributor 
Wallace (née Mitten), Annie in correspondent 
1880-1889::1886 in date 
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Alfred Russel Wallace
Annie Wallace (née Mitten)
23 October 1886
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/5/1

Sea voyage from England, a week of rough weather and seasickness followed by five days of calm; ships food; passengers, one American an accomplished comic actor and singer; charades, concerts and deck quoits; chess with ships doctor and an American passenger; New York harbour, delay at customs, Mr Browne not there to meet him; hotel recommended by Mr Wood, hotel rooms and food; meeting with Mr Browne and transfer to his house; Mrs Browne; meeting with Mayoral candidate Mr George; visit to Central Park; plans to go to Boston on Thursday; Statue of Liberty very fine.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Alfred Russel Wallace
Annie Wallace (née Mitten)
14 November 1886
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/5/4

Lack of news from her; weather; good audiences at the four lectures so far given; portrait artist Mrs Noa; unexpected meeting with Mr and Mrs Mirlees visiting the site of their son's death with their daughter; Dr Holmes the "one-hoss-shay" man at dinner; meeting arranged with a lady spiritualist; any news of letting of house at Godlaming; requests Annie to send photos of ruined temples of Java given to ARW by Mr Woodbury, wants to compare with models and photos of similarly decorated Mexican temples at Cambridge (Massachusetts) museum; American museums the finest in the world; plans to go to Baltimore and Washington with a return to Boston in between; opinion of ARW's agent Mr Williams of earlier lecturer Mr Wood and his possible effect on ARW's potential audience; Harvard College celebration.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Alfred Russel Wallace
Annie Wallace (née Mitten)
22 November 1886
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/5/6

Receipt of her letter after a month without news; visit to Williamstown, sending plants of fern Polystichum acrostichoides growing near a waterfall there and some moth cocoons for son William, moths should emerge in spring, instructions for care; stay with Dr Carter, President of the (Williamstown) College, and his daughter, invitation to return to view spring flowers; orchids including Cypripedum spectabile common; has sent gentian seeds to her papa (William Mitten); fears for his voice as has a cold, will wear respirator whenever going out, to travel 100 miles to lecture tomorrow; people becoming "oppressively kind and respectful.".

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Alfred Russel Wallace
Annie Wallace (née Mitten)
19 December 1886
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/5/12

Disappointment at lack of lecture engagements on return (from Baltimore), agent Williams not managing well, but some interest from Ohio, advertisements now in some scientific journals and new circulars sent out, sending copy of circular and some local bills of fare to Violet, hopes to get enough lecturing to cover costs of travel to California in spring or summer but journey more expensive than to London, thinks people bored with natural history and want more exciting subjects; will spend winter in Washington and live more cheaply; has been visiting American museums and will write an article on them for Harris; problem of continual packing of clothing and sundries, will leave some in storage, lifebelt and picnic basket useless but overshoes a boon; freezing weather, ribald reaction of people in the street to his fur coat; assumes Annie will spend new year at Hurst, receipt of her letter of Dec 1.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project