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Herbert Edward ("Edward") Wallace
Frances ("Fanny") Sims (née Wallace)
September [1849]
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/3/76

Describes Santarein [Santarém], a low-lying town, with most houses only one story. Very abundant fish in river, staple of inhabitants. Made a “Zoological discovery” — a blue pig. Remember pub sign of “Blue pig” at Neath which we all thought was mythological? “No longer a fable...Let the people of Neath know I have seen in Brazil, a living breathing, live Blue Pig.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project
Text Online
Alfred Russel Wallace
Samuel Stevens
12 September 1849
Source of text:
Stevens, S. (1850). Journey to explore the natural history of South America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History : Series Series 2, 5 (26): 156-157

ARW tells Agent of his travel plans and seeks information and advice. Planning to head for Matto Grosso, possibly into Bolivia. Perhaps will “get up the Rio Nigro [sic] towards the sources of the Orinooko [sic], ” will head for Montalegre. Oranges are fourpence a bushel. “The more I see of the country, the more I want to, and can see no end of, the species of buttterflies when the whole country is well explored.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project