Is leaving for Ningpo; asks CD for another copy of his [Queries about expression], which he will try to answer.
Showing 1–4 of 4 items
Is leaving for Ningpo; asks CD for another copy of his [Queries about expression], which he will try to answer.
Comments on various points in Descent: proportion of sexes, moral sentiments in animals, etc. Encloses "packet of data" [missing].
Thanks CD for Descent.
Sends a copy of his oratio inauguralis on De harmonie van het dierlijke leven [1848] in which he espoused evolution, but did not see the influence of natural selection.
Russian translation of Descent in progress, but the Minister of Interior has banned CD’s work and the book will be seized.
His foolish brother-in-law, Mayor of Montmartre, attempted to defend their section against the government.
CD’s queries on man and camels have gone to Alexander [Kovalevsky] in Sinai.