Personal news – is unwell.
Mentions "Twin-papers" ["Short notes on heredity, etc., in twins", J. Anthropol. Inst. 5 (1876): 324–9] sent by Galton.
Showing 1–16 of 16 items
Personal news – is unwell.
Mentions "Twin-papers" ["Short notes on heredity, etc., in twins", J. Anthropol. Inst. 5 (1876): 324–9] sent by Galton.
Regrowth of an amputated extra thumb.
Discusses in detail how to prepare for experimental purposes a soil that lacks nutrients.
Sends advice on preparing and washing soil in preparation for CD’s experiments.
Recounts family trait of excessive orderliness
and the behaviour of his dog.
Insectivorous plants is out
and Climbing plants is at the printer’s.
He is now at work on the geological writings.
Thinks all of CD’s papers extremely interesting "for the spirit and the method".
Cites some misprints in Climbing plants.
Thanks CD for copy of Variation in name of Anthropologische Gesellschaft, Munich.
Dr Born has demonstrated that all Batrachia and their relatives the Anura have six toes.
Sends short paper on intelligence of cephalopods ["Die Cephalopoden in der zoologischen Station des Dr Dohrn", Z. Wiss. Zool. 26 (1876): 1–23].
Thanks for copy of 2d ed. of Variation.
A difficulty with a passage in Coral reefs about "vertical thickness", which JVC thinks should read "horizontal extent".
Discusses chemical tests for the detection of glucose and cane-sugar in solution.
Cat born tailless as a consequence of a spina bifida.
NL has written an essay Toldot adam (Lewy 1874, privately printed in book form as Lewy [1875]) to convince his people of the truth of CD’s theory.
Regrowth of amputated digits is a capacity possessed by the new-born but rapidly lost.
Encloses letter printed in the Toronto Globe about the discovery on Prince Edward Island of a skeleton of a tailed man.
Has had doctoral student [Alexander Fraustadt] working on the physiology and chemistry (i.e., chlorophyll and starch distribution) and comparative anatomy of Dionaea.
Encloses cheque for balance listed on accompanying statement of sales [see 10401].
Stereo plates for new edition of Variation have been sent to New York.