Suggests sending plant specimens. Asks about visit of Emma and the boys.
Suggests sending plant specimens. Asks about visit of Emma and the boys.
WED has been collecting Lythrum plants. Numerical proportions of the three forms.
Ferry delayed by 19 July hurricane. Studying classical granite veins in Glen Tilt under [J. D.] Forbes's tutelage. Not disturbed by cost overrun of JH's catalogue of nebulae, but sorry that JH is 'so much vexed.' Simply tell R.S.L. committee that JH needs more money; do not worry about scruples.
No summary available.
Bee with adhering orchid pollinia lent to Charles Daubeny. Pollen-masses shaken off but if CD still interested he is welcome to specimen.
Discusses Lythrum, "a really wonderful case"; asks WED to make observations and collect specimens; sends a diagram which shows what crosses he believes are fertile.
Would like George to watch bees visiting the flowers; wants some pods from different forms to compare shapes and count seeds.
No summary available.
Sends specimens of the three forms of Lythrum. Remarks on the numerical proportions of different forms.
Positions of new comet, calculated from 'Florence observations.'
No summary available.
His family are now by the sea in Wales. Comments on translations.
Proportions of different forms of Lythrum.
Gives J. T. Rothrock’s observations on the structure and fertility of the two forms of Houstonia. Mentions his own observations on Rhexia virginica and Gymnadenia tridentata.
Finds many beautiful Epipactis specimens.
No summary available.
Their enumeration [of forms of Lythrum?] is invaluable. He will write later to explain what he is trying to prove about Lythrum through laborious crosses.
Asks for flowers of both forms of Hottonia to measure pollen and compare stigmas.
Has read CD’s long letter on Lythrum and agrees with it. Is examining the pollen of the different types.
Paper prepared by JH is judged as being 'too deep' for the readers of the Cornhill Magazine.
Describes insects caught while visiting Lythrum.
No summary available.