From Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin [24 August 1881]

Down, Beckenham, Kent.


My dear George

Here is a pleasant note of Old Reginald D which you may burn— At C. & Sophy drove to Q. A St. on Monday w. very little fatigue; but found poor Eras in a bad fit of ague— At C. however sat w. him some time in the p.m. which she thought he liked; but I am afraid she was mistaken.

Yesterday he got up but had to go to bed; so that she did not see him— She will return home tomorrow & it will be a sad disappt to her not to see him but I hope he may recover as quickly as usual. We had a grand clearance on Monday in 3 detachments. Margaret taking her 2 boys up to a Surgeon (very difficult to find in London at this time of yr) They are both troubled w. sinking of the instep (like Wm)   Meggy & the maid straight to Sheerness & At C. & Sophy to London. (Margt is very tasteful & pleasant & I think liked her visit).

Today the Moores are coming from Ravensbourne to dinner. Fr & Dr Moore went a pleasant tourlet on Monday—to Orpington, Tunbridge Junct—walked to Penshurst, lunched at Chiddingstone, walked to Hever & Edenbridge & so home again— I think your weather must have been worse than ours, tho' it could not well be worse than it was yesterday p.m— It is horridly dismal. F. & I have fixed our pilgrimage to Worthing for tomorrow fortnight—2 nights—but we shall have hard work to avoid staying w Mr R's. we are resolved however to stick to the Hotel as so much less tiring.

I am getting B. to ride oftener by way of getting Daisy to be not so frightened at things in the road— She is by far the prettiest donkey I ever saw— I fully expect to hear that Abinger was a success to the end. Horace wrote me a prosperous beginning

yours my dear G. | E. D

F. has been charmed w. Horace's slicing instrument & even I want to see it.

Please cite as “FL-0028,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 4 May 2024,