From Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin [2 November 1881]

My dear W.

Here are some pleasant letters of Fr. not to be returned. Dubba started yesterday to join him very grinny & jolly. We had a nice visit from G. & Hope of 2 days & they are gone to Cam. to settle about Cecil; but I have some business on my mind so I leave news—

Hen. & Richard were here on Sat & they think it is a pity our getting rid of No 6. so hastily, that it wd have been worth keeping for a year as an experiment; chiefly for F. & me to ascertain whether a house of our own wd tempt him oftener to London; but also as Hotel to all the family.

I broached the subject to him knowing that he wd dislike of all things changing his mind & unsettling things; he minded it even more than I expected; but ended by saying that we might do what we pleased. For himself & for me it wd be no use or pleasure. He feels that it wd be so dismal that he wd have a revulsion to going there (this no doubt wd be got over in time but it wd prevent its being a fair experiment in the course of 1 year) Also the Litches are going certainly to move into a larger house & wd certainly like to have us as often as 2' a yr which is v. oftener than we have hitherto been to London. There is no doubt that all of you wd like it (except Horace who feels a dislike to the notion) & you & Sara might like to spend some weeks there, & the question is whether you wd think this worth while. If you have any strong opinion you might tel. to Geo. to stop proceedings & send him this 12 sheet & the P. S. to No 6 where he will be on Friday

P. S. | I don't think No 6 is the sort of house to suit the family for London visits for a permanency (excluding F. & me) it is too large— a permanent lodging wd be better & handier & cheaper—

Bessy wd like it much no doubt (she is just started to Ireland on a lovely day) F. would dislike certainly the change now; but it wd be no permanent vexation or worry to him— A payment to the House agent for work done would make all straight. You might stop proceedings & consider at leisure.

Hen. threw out the suggestion of our making the same sort of expert with their house when they leave; this F. & I wd like better, but there is no saying when that may be. It wd be m. more suitable. They talk of building but that is difficult.

Please cite as “FL-0035,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 2 May 2024,