From Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin 7 June 1882

Down, Beckenham, Kent.

June 7. 1882

My dear George

Our plans are now fixed we go on Monday 11th to L. H. P. & from thence to Laura's on the 19th & home on Saturday the 24th. & on the 3rd of July I alone go to Ellen Tollet at Bushey, where she has a house for 5 or 6 days— I wonder what you will do— Frank & Bernard will be here till Thursday 14th when they will join us at L. H. P. & if you were inclined to come there, I am sure At Caroline wd be pleased at your offering yourself.

After July 9 or 10, I shall stay at home quietly— Leo. was nervous about his exam— He has unpleasant sensations in the head & at that time feels fit for nothing. This shews that it is high time he shd leave off his cramming. I heard from him that the 1st day had gone off well with no distress; but that was an easy day— The Sat. will be a hard one, writing military history as hard as he can for 6 hrs— Monday is the last— He has however resolved to throw it up if he finds that it seems to be really bad for him—

You heard how savage Mrs Vansittart was to Fr. when she found him at her lodge. She is behaving just like Sir Walter Elliot in Persuasion when he wd not demean himself to have his house advertised. Ida has sent me the advert. of Grata Quies & I am glad to see that it is by no means a very large house—most of the rooms 23 x 17. & not too many bedrooms. Fr. enjoyed his week at Cam. & the certainty of employment next year. If we can get Grata Quies on any reasonable terms (& re-christen it) I am sure it will be wiser than the Grove, in spite of the charm of the garden there. People will be more likely to drop in at Mrs Van's. At Fanny drove over from Abinger on Monday. She got prosperously to Epsom in Effie's carriage but there her misfortune began; or rather at Croydon from which place she came here through Beckenham, Bromley, & Farnboro'— about 4m round, & was very tired & her horses too I shd think. I am so glad Sara is here at the same time she is so agreeable. U. Hensleigh is here too— Mr Goodwin came on Sat. by sheer dawdling lost the whole of that day, & Sunday was only tol. with some sunshine; Monday quite intol. & he only got some glimpses of sun on Tuesday p. m. However he has made 2 pretty drawings one from the house & one looking at the house. Leo. is much inclined to join Leonora in Ireland after the exam, tho' it can only be for a few days; but I think it will blow it out of his head better than any other way. I wish you cd have given me a better account of yourself my dear old man—

I don't know whether you or Wm. will fill up this paper—

I have paid the poor rate. Mr Goodwin was so pleasant he improved our party.

Yours my dear G. | E. D—

Please cite as “FL-0057,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 5 May 2024,