From Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin 12 August [1882]

Bassett | Southampton

Aug 12

My dear George

I saw your letter in the Times & thought it was quite worth while to send it, as clearing his memory & it was very simply done—

I had a note from Lady Derby offering to come & see me. She says that Miss Balfour is quite broken hearted—

The weather has been perfect ever since we came except one dull day—

Franks has been with us since Monday & has got some good lawn tennis. He is gone today to Dr Moore's at Wimbledon— We go home on Tuesday & I hope we shall have you soon after. Leo & B. come on th Wed— also the Horaces for only 2 days—

I have only sat about & loitered it is so hot—

The Litches have found the Thames quite perfect for lazy people & Wargrave is beyond the regular cockneys—

Are your surprised at Lord Salisbury taking such a step without making sure he wd not be abandoned in this way— I suppose by his speech at Hatfield saying "It did not much signify" (viz. the whole question) he takes it very quietly—

Godfrey is going on very well & Hope says he is more comfortable now than he ever is when he is well— She finds Cecil a gt comfort & pleasure—but if G. gives up work for a year I wonder what he will do—

Yours my dear old man | E. D—

Please cite as “FL-0063,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 12 May 2024,