From Emma Darwin and Bernard Darwin to G. H. Darwin 28 August 1882


Monday Aug 28 | 1882

My dear George

B. evidently thinks you will be much gratified by his letter, he says "I don't think I ever wrote to Mim before." It is comical to see how his head keeps full of his imaginary battle w. Rasmus— Here is Leo's 1st letter (not quite so promising as to B. as she hoped)— please to send it to Hen— at

Miss Forsters

West Hackhurst


Horace came home to me very jolly on Sat. night, having enjoyed his flirtation w. the Miss Bramwell's at Netley more than any thing else & more than was q. proper Ida must think— He is full of praise of Mr & Mrs Seymour, Fr & he liking them both so very much— He said the meeting looked full & prosperous w. I am so glad of chiefly for Wm's sake— I saw the very brief notice of Mr W. H's paper in the Times— Horace says you began very prosperously but he got baddish & went away. You must have had a fine day yesterday & I hope today— Snow came on Sat— She is very busy making pretty little sketches all about, & yesterday went to church at Keston & to lunch w. Mrs Wright a former acquaintance of hers in Scotland— The Frankes come today it will be a dismal visit I am afraid. I shall get him to play as much as I can—

Horace is gone to the shop today & Ida will prob. go to Abinger tomorrow & join him at the end of the week—

B. went solemnly to Mary, Ida's nurse, & said "I am sorry to say that I like Nanna's baby better than yours".

My love to Wm & Sara & I congratulate them on this bustle being over as I think the worst of it must be now— I hope you have stood it pretty well my dear old man E. D

The Godfrey's start almost immediately for the Riviera & will be away 6 m. & Laura will join them—


my dear Mim I am going to fight Erasmus. will you be on my side or not? Eras has a lot of soldiers & so have I

my affectionate B D

Please cite as “FL-0064,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 9 May 2024,