From Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin [14 Mar 1883]

5 Old Quebec St


My dear George

We shall come home on Sat—& Bessy with us— She will arrive here on Friday— The last complication is that Mrs Synnot is ill, but it does not sound to me seriously so—but B— contemplates coming home by herself—

The alarm about Godfrey has passed over I trust— He went to see the excavation at Olympia knowing the risk of fever— they call it Olympian fever it is so common— He took a dose of quinine in his pocket & forgot to take it—

Hope held herself ready to start off—which she will not do unless there is a relapse—

We had a pleasant dinner at 27 Bry Sqr & lunch at Cecilys &c &c— I am very glad Frank sees his way to making use of his work for lectures.

A letter from Leo. will appear shortly when I can get it from Wm   The weather is quite bearable now & I hope you will be able to go out of doors & play tennis— Hen. has a good deal on her hands for moving furniture into Kensington Sqr. There is no chance of their getting in themselves for ever so long— yours my dear G— | E. D

Please cite as “FL-0079,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 14 May 2024,