From Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin [25 March 1884]

The Grove | Cambridge


My dear George

I write a line on receiving your happy letter to say how delighted we shall be to have a visit from Maude. I have written to Mrs Jebb to beg her (& Mr Jebb!) to come here instead of camping in Springfield— We shall be so glad to have her, & Maude will feel quite courageous if she has her aunt—

I want you to buy something pretty for Maude from me now you are together, any bit of jewelry (to the amount of £40) I should expect you would find good jewelry there, as you succeeded in the ring.

I have had a warm affect. letter from Sir J. Hooker much pleased at your writing to him. I am glad you wrote to Sir J. L. He certainly means to be friendly to us— Do you know that you are elected by the Committee to the Ath. At least I believe so—

Your evening walk to the Balfours must have been delightful.

Yours my dear George | with my love to Maude | E. Darwin—

Aunt Fanny has given up coming out of prudence   She is disappted & so am I. though I was r. afraid of the risks of her coming— All the Uncles approve most heartily of your doings— We have been charmed with Mildred.

I think you must have given a pretty good character of me to Maude—judging by her message.

Please cite as “FL-0106,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 8 May 2024,