From Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin 16 September [1885]

Down, Beckenham, Kent.

Sep 16

My dear George

Only a line to say you can pay the £91 when most convent— I shd be glad for Bourne to send flowers to the Hospital once a week for the present—if they are required—as sometimes they have more flowers than they want. As you say, my letter is an answer to yours so I will only repeat that it will be a great pleasure & no anxiety, to see the whole "boiling" of you including of course Ella (I shd be much disappted not to have her—

yours my dear George | E. D—

What a satisfactory baby & I hope she is taking to good ways in all respects—

Uncle Harry is very ill but I expect him to rally again—which is not to be wished for his own sake—

Please cite as “FL-0127,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 16 May 2024,