From Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin 13 August [1888]

Down, Farnborough, Kent.

Monday Aug 13

My dear George

We have recd notice of the alteration in the Bank— It has been a tremendous job & William is very much overdone. I hope they will be able to leave home before v. long—- Yesterday was fine till evg. & the chicks out almost all day. Gwenny took to being shy w. Margaret Shaen—who nursed the boy with great satisfaction for a short time. She comes down & sits out of doors for a short time & seems in excellent spirits, but I have seen very little of her as yet. I hope she will drive out today— I am m. exercised about buying a horse from Mr Edwards— He asks 60 guineas; & all the knowing ones (M's coachman & Price & John) say it is only worth 30 being oldish— The per contra is that he looks as sweet as old Flyer, seems perfectly quiet & yet free, & John says he seems as if he wd be a very "loving horse"—

Gwenny comes every mg & boils things in the little pots & pans–- I suppose she will be tired of them soon— Boy has not got quite used to us yet & looks a little alarmed. Sir John & Lady L. called yesterday evg about 6. She was more humane than I have seen her & smiled & talked to Bessy—while Sir John talked politics to the Litches & me. He is not at all low about things. I hope Hen. is really better as she is gaining flesh—

The Lubbocks are staying a week only & then going for a month to Lyme Regis— I recommended Persuasion—wh. she had never heard of, & he did not know who it was by. Frank says in the hot weather the cab stand is intolerable. Frances is sometimes alarming. She looked up at a man about a yard off & said (you know how clearly she speaks) What the man's name? & when she got no answer "Praps its Jim"— Murray charges £108 for advertising, wh. seems monstrous. I never saw any advert— B. is still a little mad about neckties.

Yours my dear G. & M— | E. Darwin

Please cite as “FL-0152,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 13 May 2024,