From Thomas Woolner to W. E. Darwin 8 June 1869

29 Welbeck Street, W.

June 8–69

Dear Mr Darwin

I am glad the Med: pleases you, for, if I may say so without self laudation, I think I have made one of the best I ever did of your illustrious father.

The price is 25 guis:– and the packing 5/6.—

You must send the cash to Wedgwoods for my mould would be of no service to them. But if you wish to keep a cast in plaster to compare with the Wedgwoods when done I could prepare another and send to them.—

Yours very truly | Woolner

Please cite as “FL-0321,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 8 May 2024,