From Henry Hemmings to W. E. Darwin 20 May 1878

Baldwins Gate Whitmore

May 20th/78

My dear Mr Darwin

I feel I ought to drop my dear Master Willie but I must say it is a trouble to me for it has been such a very dear name to me so long that it is like parting with a dear Friend but I suppose I must submit for Willie will never do now you have made a Man of yourself   Martha & I are much pleased this Morning to receive your very dear Wife   Martha made a many comments and at last she said she looked a very nice sensible Lady   we feel disappointed you are not coming to Barlaston this summer we must be satisfied with the Shawddow for a time but we do hope we shall have the pleasure to see you together in some future time   we shall be much pleased to receive your Mansion   we have been talking about you all lately and we thought Master Leonard was in the East with the Navy, you have had a nice jolly party   I am glad your Father enjoyed himself so much he seems to wear well considering how ill he has been in the course of his life   he seems to grow younger   oh how pleasant it must be to your very dear Mother & all of you to see him so well & jolly, I missed the Name of Mr F I suppose he did not make one of the Party   I was much pleased some time back with a Lecture of his I saw in the times Paper he seems to inherit his Father opinions of nature   Thank you respecting myself I am thankfull to say I am much better on the whole   I have those weak feeling at a Night often but I am quite strong and young in a Morning

Please to thank Mrs Darwin for writing her Name on the Picture & we think all the better of it Master Leonard being the Artist   Martha sends her best Love & we do hope you will have a pleasant voyage to America and a safe return

I beg to | remain your | humble servant | H Hemmings

Please cite as “FL-0327,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 9 May 2024,