From William Spottiswoode to W. E. Darwin 3 September 1882

Combe Bank, Sevenoaks.

3 September 1882.

My dear Darwin,

Pray accept my best thanks for your kind thought of me, and for offer of the etching of your father's study, which I shall value very much, both as a recollection of some of the most interesting passages of my life, as well as an expression of the good will of yourself and of the other members of your family. I need hardly say with what pleasure and satisfaction I look back to our various consultations, and to the fact of having had any hand in doing honour to your father's memory.

Believe me yours very sincerely | W Spottiswoode

Please cite as “FL-0339,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 5 May 2024,