My dear Willy
I am glad you told us about your caning. I should like to know what you failed in, & what is being floored? it sounds like being knocked down, but I don't think Mr Burrowes looked fierce enough for that. I hope you will make up for it by working hard now & I have some hopes you may be removed as your character has always been good.
Your letter was very well written I don't believe I can make it clear about the electric telegraph but Papa says that the Aurora Borealis is supposed to be electricity passing over & it does away with the effect of electricity on the wires. Glands are organs for the purpose of separating something out of the blood & making something different (called secreting) such as the liver for bile, the kydneys for &c.
The pony still goes lame but he was galloping about the field for his own pleasure yesterday so I don't believe it hurts him. He is to be blistered once again & Mr Innes says if he is a little lame it is a kind that will not signify.
We passed by the Crystal Palace th other day in our way to London & you never saw such a scene of bustle & mud. It looks the most enormous skeleton of a place now. Papa says he will take you & Georgy to see it building in the winter. Goodbye my dear Willy. Mrs Parslow has got another little boy. It is a pity it is not a girl but I am glad it is safely over as she is a delicate sort of woman. H. Hemmings & Martha stood in Cockspur St for 7 or 7 hours & saw the funeral very well.
Your affect. mother | E. D.
Status: Draft transcription
This transcript was produced as a side-product of the work of the Darwin Correspondence Project and may not have been proofread to the DCP’s usual standards.
Please cite as “FL-0377,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 16 January 2025,