From Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin [20 March 1856]



My dear Willy

I am very glad your leg is mending its ways at last. I returned from London yesterday having accomplished hearing Jenny Lind at last & escaped a headache. It was very beautiful.

Papa was in London too & went to a dinner party to meet the D. of Argyle but it was not very brilliant, as he did not sit near the great folks but near some dull old men. Franky is quite well now & very happy.

I returned in the omnibus yesterday & a detestable day it was. I saw many children on the road crying with the cold. The wind was so biting   I heard Effie sing in London & I think she may sing as well as Mrs Farrer. It was nice to see poor Snow admiring her so heartily. Walter Turnbull appeared there one Sunday quite tipsyfied & Harriet Nutt is nearly out of patience with him. Poor Mrs Turnbull very unhappy. I hope they will pack him off. He went a short journey to see his aunt a precise old lady & arrived quite tipsey.

Mrs & Mr Rowland come on Sat. & Mrs Frank W. I go up to town again on Tuesday for Jenny Lind in the Messiah. The Cumberlanders come to us Thursday. Papa is pretty well & I think London always does him good now.

Goodbye my dear old man. | yours E. D.

Please cite as “FL-0380,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,