From Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin [7 May 1858]


My dear William

It seems your tour will be a month at least I will send you Aunt Cathys letter as she recommends your having 2 sketch books one for colouring. Papa is come home nice & well & he has his bath & short walk in the morning as he used to have. Etty went to the play in London & saw Miss Marsden whom I think you fell in love with. She was too high souled to care about Boots at the Swan but she enjoyed it altogether very much. Franky had such bad toothache when I was in London that he came up to meet me at Mr Robinson's & had it out. He bore it pretty stoutly but found it difficult to laugh at Mr R.s standing joke about Jack Robinson."

He went to the Alhambra Circus which was very successful. Etty has had a gold plate put in her mouth by Mr Bell to try to get her teeth in better shape. It makes her lisp & speak unclearly. Minny Clive fell sick of the scarlet fever a day or two after I came away. She has it very mildly. Lenny has been poorly again in the old way.

Papa has written to Mr Wilson but has not quite decided yet, but I think it will end in your going to him.

We shall have you at home for a month anyhow. Mr Ainslie came home in the train with Etty & heaped coals of civility on her head. He has quite discomfited the vestry again. Goodbye my dear old man.

Lizzy wrote me word that Franky had the tothacx

Please cite as “FL-0390,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 10 May 2024,