From Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin [4 June 1878]

Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.


My dear Wm

I very much hope to hear that Sara will be brisk enough & that you will go to Cam—on Friday— I hope Sara has had no scruples about the Litches— Independently of the Cam—scheme I know that Hen—wd m. rather not be with you during Theo's last week— When the sisters wd like to have every hour together undisturbed.

We think your letter so good (about pensions) that I am keeping it to see what good I can do with it.

Frank went off to Wuzzburg yesterday. with a very heavy heart I think— It will not be so bad for him when he has been a week or 2 there & he feels more used to being away from B— Bessy has enjoyed a few days with Hope & Godfrey— She (Hope) is wonderfully strong; gardening 4 hours taking a walk & a few other items— Their sale at Paris has gone off badly— Godfrey is going there again in a few days & Hope to Laura's—

R. went to a concert of Herr Franke— The music he played was v. difficult & uninteresting & he thought his playing q. without power; but he could not perceive that there was any fault in the tune. His countenance seems to strike every one as Francis Horner's did Sydney Smith viz. that nobody could be really as good as Horner looked— But I am afraid he has not a chance of being any thing higher that a hard working teacher & orchestra player—

Geo. has been m. pleased by some conversation Sir W. Thompson had w. him about his paper; w. shewed that Sir W. thought a good deal about it. I am q. in hopes that when I grow more deaf I shall have a domestic microphone always at hand. Snow hopes to go to concerts with one— What are we coming to!— yours my 2 dear ones | E D

Please cite as “FL-0477,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 5 May 2024,