From Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin [4 June 1878]


My dear Wm.

It is provoking to hear such bad news of Democracy as Gen Barlow gave you; but I am afraid he is a good judge. I am writing principally to say that if you have a choice between next Sat. or June 29 we wd advise the first day as Louisa & children will be here on the 29th.

You seem to do so nicely w the 2 little maids it will be r. an effort for Sara to worry her soul about a cook; but your new charwoman must be rather a genius. We have actually had 3 fair days one of them (yesterday) being bright— We hear that in the midland counties the crops esp. potatoes are dreadfully damaged, & on Whit Mondy w. was tol. here there was a steady downpour.

We are actually managing to read ""My novel"" w. I remember you boys used to like, but the rustic talk is almost more than I can bear `"Gaffer so & so & `"neighbour so & so, & your honour &c all of which non one ever heard in England for the last 100 years. The Italian Dr is nice & interesting. We like v. m. Trollope's S. Africa; but it shews what danger there is of the small white population being overwhelmed by the native races who thrive & increase so much under 12 civilisation. The Pall Mall is so delightfully cross about the Congress that I think things must be going tol. from our point of view— It will be v. nice to have a sight of you— I wish you may be able to sail a week sooner. I thought your passages were taken— my best love to the sisters. B. is m. obliged for the excellent long exposé of the French woman  how well she writes— She has written to her—

Please cite as “FL-0478,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 5 May 2024,