From Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin [August 1887]

Down, Beckenham, Kent


My dear William

I was very glad to have your very pleasant letter. The weather is perfect but too hot for me. It is provoking to feel that it is doing so much harm— Laura came on Saturday & says that almost all her azaleas are killed— I don't think any thing here is absolutely dead. The Litches set out this p. m. as far as Dover, & to Reims the next day, & further than that they don't know—

They & Laura called on the Lubbocks yesterday evening— Laura had a good deal of political talk w. Sir John— He is quite hopeful on the whole & thinks that if Gladstone was to retire (as he mildly put it) a number of Unionists in opinion, who are only held by his influence, wd spring to the other side— Do you see the Liberal Unionist. I send you a copy, w. a good article of Albert Dicey's. Elinor D. spend 2 days with us, so much better that I hope she has really taken a turn. She thinks the bath of Ragatz (not far from the Engadine) have done her some good; but she was improving before that. I believe Ernest & Mrs W. are to be married today, at a Reg. office— The plan of their living at 31 was settled in the most [rash] manner; but I am sure it is much more cheerful for Hensleigh & it hardly concerns poor Aunt Fanny, as I believe & hope she will spend the rest of her life at Abinger. Mr Chaldicote says that it cannot last very much longer, & some sudden turn might cause her death in a few days— She has been comfortable during Effie's absence & Effie's foreign letters have been a real pleasure & she returns on Sat to her— The tour has been a great failure for poor Claud, who has not had spirit for any thing but a few games of lawn tennis. Effie has been very nice in the expeds she took.

Sara's pleasant note just come. I don't remember Ad. & Mrs Suckling but that is no proof of any thing. As she is so deaf I hope she will not call often. I gave a little teapot & cream jug (no it was a sugar bason) to Ernest wh. was received most graciously. I am in hopes that Dickson has a good situation w. an old lady—

I think Mrs Lena must have kept the £71— wh. was not what was intended. Mildred has been enjoying 2 balls at Hollycombe most heartily.

yours my | dear William & Sara | E. D.

Hen is quite pleased to hear she was ever pretty.

I am setting a mare to work the well for the table QQQQ. Last year it brought rain in 2 days time. I wish the plan wd have the same effect now.

Please cite as “FL-0552,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 21 May 2024,