From G. H. Darwin to Leonard Darwin [July 1868]

Sir C. Bunbury's Bart | Barton | Bury St. Edmunds.

Dear Old Pouts,

I was most awfully delighted to see your place in the list & I congratulate you with all my heart. I didn't know the list was coming out till next week— & so I was taken quite by surprise when Bunbury showed it to me in the paper after dinner last night. They all piled up the congrats. miles high— particularly old Sir Charles, who is a very nice old gentleman. I suppose you are doing a tour somewhere tho' I'm blessed if I know where. I hope you intend being in the I of W. for a bit before you go and pipe clay your belt. Bless your soul We're always second we are.

Yours affectionately| G H Darwin

Please cite as “FL-0583,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 2 May 2024,