From Leonard Darwin to G. H. Darwin 21 December [1876]


Dec 21st.

Dear George.

I have just received your letter in which you say that you have not received mine. I fancy you will have got it by this time as wrote next mail. The mail had gone out before I got your letter. But in case of accidents I will repeat some of it. Morrell's Hotel Sda. Forni is I think the best. If I (or servant) do not meet you on board go there. You will most likely arrive in Malta about 6 AM. So give me a little time to get down. I do not care about anything being brought out particularly but if you have got my last letter, please bring the things mentioned. The boats leaves Naples every Saturday that comes straight through

The bacca here is good I believe. The weather here has been delightful for the last week though it was abdominable before that.

When you come here you will probably stay at the hotel; at least every body does that; but I should think there were comfortable lodgins; or perhaps I can make things comfortable at the house; but I can tell that better when the time comes. Let me know somehow if you can what boat you come by.

Yours ever | Leonard Darwin

I enclose a note for [I]

Please cite as “FL-0589,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 12 May 2024,