From Leonard Darwin to G. H. Darwin [25 December 1876]

Dear George

I dont think that I have ever written to thank you for the maps which arrived safely; one of them is just the thing I want, the other two are rather too good so good that one cant find anything on them. This is Xmas day so I suppose you will all be a home and I wish I was there with you. I am going to spend My Xmas Evening with the Boyds which will be pleasant enough in its way. Today the trooper has come in with the new company and two officers; Vetch Smith and the other company having gone home by P&O last week. Sidney was very sorry to leave Malta, particularly at this time of year when he will feel it so cold. The Men's Xmas dinners are great affairs and we all have to go and see them commence their feast, and taste a glass of what they call sherry, really neat brandy, at each of the dinners; this year we managed to keep moderately sober, as there were very few messes to go round. We have just been out a walk with Adams to try and wear off the effects of it before dinner. I have been hard at work reading the German official account of the 66 campaign which is about the dryest bit of work that I could imagine.

Yours ever | Leonard Darwin

You only mention 17/- (for which I enclose a PO) but I thought I

owed you something else, if so name it.

Please cite as “FL-0590,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 13 May 2024,