From Emma Darwin to H. E. Darwin [5 November 1863]


My dear Hen.

No letter from you today. Papa was very feeble all yesterday but slept almost incessantly. Horace kept in bed till 3. when he was better than usual. At Eliz. read hours to him so it did very well. (Do see if any body at Eucrleigh knows of the new game at cards of Bazique for two).

Papa is now on the sofa in the drawing room pretty comf. What a nice letter of Miss Thackeray. so straight forward & natural. I am afraid she will not be able to indoctrinate Mr Thack. They brought a new horse yesterday which looks promising only too quiet & too cheap. 34£ It is going to Bromley & will bring your letter if their is one.

Goodbye my dear. | E. D.

I was not at all uneasy about Papa as he was not feverish but he had a horrid night & fomenting & poultices did him very little good

Please cite as “FL-0644,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 3 May 2024,