From Emma Darwin to H. E. Darwin [September 1865?]

This letter from Miss P. shews that Brighton quite answered. That Mrs Boyd used to be one of her particular enemies. We like our American novel very much. It seems this Mr [Loverda] keeps on plaguing Emily with letters about Lizzy T. but she does not mean to answer any more. She had one while here. Goodbye my dear. Yours. my best love to Lizzy.

Uncle Frank cals you Harriet in a letter but I won't stand it.

I luckily remembered that Convolvulus was Algierian & shewed it to Julia T. She was pleased & said all her seeds & bulbs failed. Elinor still at Combe very low.

Please cite as “FL-0676,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 10 May 2024,