From Emma Darwin to H. E. Litchfield December 1873



Dearest H.

I hope we shall hear about Marlboro' (& also what Dr. C says to you— I thought I distinctly remembered your having that symptom long ago). By the way won't it be better for Bessy to have a fly tomorrow by way of getting Maggie safe home after the play. It is not so v. m. more for a play. 5/6. I suppose she knows u are not going yourself— But she can't mind going w. the sober B. & the ven. L.

Aunt Eliz. was m. disapted yesterday to hear that the Clems had to hasten home abut school boards after 5 or 6 telegrams & give up Q. A. St visit also. She had her fish and her pheasant all ready too; but she & Snow will eat them in time. Poor Snow is still uncomf. enough. She is always busy writing

I had the laurels in the corner cut down yesterday & it has made such a mountain of firewood I am surprized— Also a great piece of room. I must now write for the Shrubs—w. I do in a blue spirit—

Lady L. called yesterday & gave F. an amusing acct of her battle w. Ff coming out of church attacking hum about the Reading Room, & demolishing his objections one after the other. At last he seized his beard with both hands & said Lady L. this is a public affair & not a private one & I shall oppose it as much as possible— Then she went to Mr Snow & got him to tackle Mr. Sales & Henry Osborne who are all favourable, so now we are only waiting for the answer about the grant—

In the P.M. I had a long discourse from Mr Snow telling me all he said to My Lady & all she said to him— He was so used to high life that he cd not help My ladying me—

We can't get to hear from Miss Lyell, but I wrote to Mrs L. & mentioned my call, so that is all *P [DIAG HERE] *Q. I want to know because of Hope—

your my dear | E. D—

Sir C. seems as well as usual. but Miss L. is v. poorly & weak & they don't come— Also heard from Education Department. `"In general they disapprove of such employment of school rooms but will give permission if &c &c &c—

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