From Emma Darwin to H. E. Litchfield [26 August 1874]



My dearest Body

I got both yr pleasant letters from Geneva. (Bessy's mention of the colour makes me remember how wonderful it was) The weather is still exquisite. We arrived on Monday at 12—very comf. all but a scrummage at Waterloo Junction w. made us rejoice that Bessy had not had the same bother. It was owing to our not perceiving that the train we were aiming at did not stop at W. Junct however we all met at Cannon St by diff'n trains (too tedious to explain). We find Snow here till Friday. They lunched *P [symbol for yesterday] *Q & she & G. had a good deal of talk. Hensleigh is quite well & off on a fresh American tack of spiritualism. An additional bother at Hope dene is the badness of the flooring which has to be taken up in parts. Effie seems to think Norman Lockyer need not prove to be a rogue, which wd be v. disagreeable.

No doubt they will have to pay. We find Lettington quite ill & gone home, & that accounts for the extra rubbishy state of the garden. I have had it a good deal tidied up, but the dead phloxes are a gt blemish & made me almost resolve to banish them to the orchard where they do well– – By Mrs Lott's account he ought to have given up long ago. It seems to be a v. painful form of indigestion. Old Mrs Osborne seems to be dying–- -w. gave me a good opp. of making up with Emily.

She looked very miserable about her mother & I cheered her a bit. We have got a steady going horse who goes a difft pace from Wm's Galumpus. After being so long. with Wm. we miss his comfortable presence— G. read aloud his article on language for Cotemp. & we thought it interesting. Ellen Tollet is full of admiration off Tyndall's address. I don't like such vagueness & cared for 0 but his mention of F. which was grand.

Sir John's lecture seems to have been a gt success—

Amy drew the diagrams and Tyndall could not resist a flight of admiration about her, which was warm hearted, but not quite in good taste on such a public occasion.

"That she had grown up all that those who loved her cd wish."

Now I must send you a catalogue raisonné of the letters I don't send on— I will settle about Thompson when we hear from F. I quite understand about letters & bulls

yours my dear | E.D

Please cite as “FL-0752,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 2 May 2024,