From Emma Darwin to H. E. Litchfield [28 November 1875]

Dearest H,

I send C. L's affecting note. w. At Eliz. has just sent up saying ""Don't come down yet, I can do nothing but cry."" I shall go down in an hours time, & I am glad she can cry— Your plan is so very kind & judicious that I shall tell her of it in a few days (at least I wish to do so but I am not sure). No doubt Miss Hall will write to you— Shall you have to write to Lena or will a message do?

The breaking of the abcess w. At Caroline gives me hopes if she can keep up her strength, but Lucy seems to think her worse than Sophy— I am v. glad Lucy is going to be confined in Feb—

I must write to put off the Reeds—

So Goodbye my | dearest E.D—

I cannot bear that Eliz. shd not know of your affect. place but I shall put off telling her. We shall be up in ten days. I said Q.A first but Eras can't care—

I will send Sophy's note tomorrow

Please cite as “FL-0769,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 8 May 2024,