From Emma Darwin to H. E. Litchfield [23 March 1878]


Dearest H—

We felt very quiet & small yesterday, but it is nice to think that Easter is not so v. far off— I shall want to know what Dr M. says & how R. stands his first day's work—

At Eliz. came to dinner & I played a good deal of Figaro to her which she enjoyed— Fr. had been calling at the Ffindens or school matters & had persuaded Mrs Ff, a good deal against her inclination, to bestow some good advice on Miss Burford, so I said nothing about my letter & it will not be at all amiss that she shd have my opinion confirmed—

It was cold in the evg. & F. & Fr were prepared to put out the plants, only it wd just not freeze, so they gave it up— It was a severe frost in the night & only 28 this mg & I am alarmed for the poor myosotis. They will try again tonight.

George seems miserably uncomf this mg. & has been feverish; but he always picks up again sooner than one expects.

Poor old Mr Verrall called yesterday in the last stage of poverty, with a son working in a brickfield & hoping to get gardening work himself— I gave him £1 but no doubt it will have to be done again. It was a v. bitter disapt to the girls having to give up going to Rome as they were asked by G—& only gave it up on Dr Fox forbidding it for Rose. I am afraid Florence will be so horridly cold— We were there about this time & the cold took away all beauty & enjoyment—

I think the Horners wd think it so extraordinary their not making any sign that I shall take upon myself to send them a letter to deliver or not as they please; but I am sure they will find it more cheerful to know people tho' bores. Effie says Hope had scruples because the Horners are overdone with tourists.

They used to know Uncle F—& they wd be astonished at our smouching the girls.

I wish you wd buy enough grey cachmere or merino for a frock for B. I should like it a little darker than your new gown— It takes 4 yds of flannel (w. is about 34 of yd wide which I think wd be some guide— Or fawn colour—might be more lasting but I leave it to you—

Bessy wd bring it down on Tuesday—

Yours my dear w. best love to R. | E . D

I have written to Dr Ed. to come and vaccinate B. w. I hate the thoughts of—

Please cite as “FL-0807,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 8 May 2024,