From Emma Darwin to H. E. Litchfield [2 May 1878]

Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.


Dearest H—

I was very glad poor old G. got off yesterday. & I trust he may be tol at Cambridge. He & Theo. got on well— Bessy is almost right today— She wd have been q. unfit for it on Monday— The girls mean to see Rochester on their way tomorrow & Leo joins them at Canterbury in the evg— They will sleep 2 nights & Theo & Leo. go together to Basset, dropping Bessy on their way up to London at Bickley. The more I think of J. Thorley's conduct the more suspicious it seems, so I have invited Miss T. next week & I shall not betray Emily, but I can easily get her to tell me all de novo, & then I shall speak plainly, so as to see what measures she can take to ensure the small remnant w. I think can't be more than £2000 or 3—from being meddled w. in any way by John—

No doubt what he has done is not legal; as I suppose G. Thorley did not join in it. I see the Pal Mall is q. satisfied w. Lord Salisbury's manifesto w. looks bad; but the more any discussion is delayed the better I think. Here is a v. nice letter from At C. w. burn. I am expecting Kate Dulin today & I shall have to speak plainly to her

Old Whitehead went in state to the Union conveyed by Reeves (At Eliz) & managed to pay all his debts— Mrs John Whitehead told me he did not mind at all; but that does not go for m— She has had great spitting of blood & looks fearfully ill on the verge of her confinemt— Poor B. is to be vacc. tomorrow & I hate the thoughts of it— He quite likes his oil & his cream— He has left off dancing his beasts (he used to shew them to me & curtsey) & now his chief passion is Theo's gold thimble which he comes & claims in the most imperative manner w. his thumb stuck out. He thinks nothing of my silver one— We have got a great hulk of a kitchen maid; but Mrs Ev. does not mind her looks & she has been 2 yrs in a gents family. It seems Fr has long known of Dr Moore's affair. She is 20 so he has not long to wait. All the B. C's are against it & he is angry w. Miss Julia— Their chief objection seems to be that Mr Leigh Smith dislikes it & he is v. rich & will not leave his money to her. Mme Bodichon & Elinor are his fast friends I believe—

Mr Smith's objection seems to be that she mt do better being so handsome & that he does not like to part w^.^ her. But this is all one sided —

Goodbye my dear

How does R. stand his work one day w. another You will be here this day fortnight I hope— | E.D

Please cite as “FL-0810,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 3 May 2024,