From Emma Darwin to H. E. Litchfield [17 July 1879]



Dearest H.

I suppose what made Horace so bad on Tuesday was the disappt of a vague hope that something wd have been said by T.H— He was pretty cheerful by the time he got here— I think Laura will be his best therm. to act by— He wanted m. to express to T.H—how m. he took it to heart, but found it impossible F. is much more timid than I am & thinks it wd be best for Ida to make the first move about writing. You see B. is sure to be hear by Fri. night or Sat. mg. so I shall quite have my wish. The boys & Pearce & Mina had a tremendous long day yesterday of 12 hours to the Acquarium & up the river in a steam boat & many other delights. The boys came back quite [frish], w. presents for B. as usual— I quite enjoyed the quiet time w. him & I am sure he will soon get over this tiresome fit. This is the 3rd fair day tho' very cloudy but we had some sun *P [symbol for yesterday] *Q— I have had a v. sweet letter from At Fanny w. I shall shew Horace I think. (The boys are at cricket) I had such a tiresome call at Holwood it shall do for many a long day—a whole host off visitors coming in almost at the same time so that I could not go away for some little time. A civil but most silly Mrs Cator—& Lady Caroline & 2 elderly & jolly nieces.— F. has heard from Leo. & a good deal against the grain has given his consent to his doing what he likes about printing some copies of the first thing before omission. Leo. will be at the Frasers on Sat & Sunday so I think you are likely to see him, it is Wimbledon I think

F. was more tired w sitting for his hands than his face, he had to keep them so very still. I am a good deal disgusted w. the red gown— The picture is all gown—tho' I think it will be very well painted. F. said Mr Meo looked beautiful in it when he was acting lay figure. Mr Richmond has just sold an enormous picture for £1000 & had the commission to paint a companion for it—for a rich brewer w. a large hall I believe. This makes him feel so rich that he is going to take his wife w. him to Venice & to ride in the Dolomites. She takes but 2 gowns & he almost nothing but buys as he goes along—

yours my dear till Sat I hope— | E . D

I really think F. rather likes the thoughts of going to the Lakes—but wd indignantly deny it I am sure— I like Mr Richmond for being especially charmed w. Horace—as he has seen v. little of him—

He talked about him to F—

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