From Emma Darwin to H. E. Litchfield [4 November 1879]


Dearest H—

I was deeply interested by your acct—but it is a v. melancholy one, of Effie, & Leo's impression strengthens it; but I think the next time you meet it may be quite common-place. It is r awful about T.H. but I think Horace had better not be cautioned too much, as boldness combined with graciosity will be his best chance— T.H.s letter about settlements is q. comf. & saying they certainly will not be beggars; but odd & dubious & F. can't think what he means. The Pryors visit was pleasant, as he is quite agreeable when on his best behaviour, as he was here— She is a common little natured soul who never looks at a book, & thought Pride & Prejudice horrid—but easy & pleasant & read Ruth a good deal— Sara talked a good deal to Mr P—

I have enjoyed these 2 quiet days w. her & had some nice talks. She always descants on W^m's^ virtues to me & has not shut herself up as most wives do about their husbands—

I have taken r. a hatred to [Dugued]; but it was mitigated by finding what a remarkably nice wife he has. I found her poor soul in her bed room (they have but one) sitting reading Leisure Hours, without a scrap of work about & she does not even cook her dinner. Pretty, lady-like & open. I was m. relieved to hear from her that her husband ""thought a great deal of Mr Lettington"" & they were q. friendly—

Lett. had lent him ""animals and plants."" I really believe Lett is happier on the whole. Poor old Prince is not; but his wages are to be raised a shilling a week in consideration of his having so m. more to do on a Sunday. I had a letter from Camilla w. quinces— She is q. weakly still w. I am afraid is alarming & says what shd she do without Louisa— The children came home blooming from Devonshire

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