From Emma Darwin to H. E. Litchfield 21 September [1881]

Down | Beckenham

Sep 21.

Dearest Hen

I was so glad to get yr card saying R. was all right again.

Here is a prosperous letter from Wm, tho' his talking of creeping up a hill does not look as if he was strong.

Poor old George is gone to London & I hope on to Mr Cleasby (his Madeira friend) at Brecon—but he was but poorly—

Fr Balfour came on Tuesday w. a sensible German who talked tol. English. He had been some years in Ischia and had been at Dohrn's place at Naples. Fr. was v. nice & had been pleased w. Claude & Noel. Claude had dined in hall w. him. We hear that Sales is willing to sell w. I am glad of, the doubt is how much he will ask. I went to admire the sunset last night thro' the gap on our future domain (it was like a golden ploughed field over half the sky turning into pink over the rest)

We have been very thick w. Lubbocks lately. Amy brought a Mulholland cousin to lunch on Tuesday— I think Amy's chatter might tire one. It is the same style as Isabel Akers; but there is more reality about her & you feel there is some thing beyond—

She is coming to stay a day here today. Yesterday came a telegram from Dickie for Fr to take Bernard to a review at Chatham & you never saw any thing so pretty as his joy when he was told of it; & so modest—then came a second message to say it was put off, which he bore with great fortitude. I am not very sharp today so no more my dear  yours | E. D.

You need not return W^m's^ letter—

Please cite as “FL-0913,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 17 May 2024,