From Leonard Darwin to Emma Darwin 29 September 1876


Sept 29th. 76

Dear mother

It is some time since I have written, but there is so little to say except to thank you all for your long letters during this sad time. It does make one feel solitary out here not being able to do any thing for anybody. I am very glad to hear of Bessie going off to Barlaston, as I should think that was the only house she would care to go to now, at this time, and I am sure a change of some sort will do her good. I have not heard much of William lately; I hope his being seedy is nothing to do with his old accident. Things are just the same here as ever, rather cooler but not quite cool enough yet; and I am working pretty hard

Your affec son | Leonard Darwin

Please cite as “FL-1005,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 10 May 2024,