From H. E. Darwin to G. H. Darwin [after 21 October 1866]

Dear Geo—

It seems quite funny to be writing my weekly again to you. Things have gone on very tranquilly since you went bar the day of Lizzie's departure, which I prudently employed in my music lesson. We have heard from her from Paris, all very prosperous so far & she says Miss Marie has been very kind. On Sunday we had a gt. visitation. One of Papa's most thorough going disciples, a Jena professor came to England on his way to Madeira, & asked to come down & see Papa. We didn't know whether he cd speak German & our spirits was naturally rather low. He cam quite early on Sunday & when first he entered he was so agitated he forgot all the little English he knew & he & Papa shook hands repeatedly. Papa reiteratedly remarking that he was very glad to see him & Haekel receiving it in dead silence. However afterwards it turned out that he could stumble on very decently—some of his sentences were very fine. Talking of dining in London—""I like a good bit of flesh at a restoration."" of the war in Germany he remarked as an advantage the Prussians had from their good education ""zat ven ze officers are deeded ze commons take ze cheafs""—i.e. when the officers are killed the privates can take the chief command. He told us that there are more than 200 medaillons of Papa made by a man from Wms photo in circulation amongst the students in Jena. Papa has just begun his gt Pangenesis chapter— Hope comes here for two nights this week. no other fact of importance except that the kitten likes his kennel very much indeed.

yours dear Geo | H.E.D.

P.S. I made Papa take the ride through Grinsted Green Norsted Farm & Home by Maise & Horsted, by drawing him a plan. he is always now out 1 34 & often nearly 2 hours.

P.S. no 2  Hope dreamt that you wrote a book called from Penge to Norway. Now why not have dreamt from Down to Norway.

P.S. no 3  Who on earth can Mrs. Bates or Waites be? It was very funny & one wd think she must be intimate with the Wedgwood cast of face if she can recognise Ed for a Wedg & so claim him as a Darwin.

I hope you've not got a red carpet, they wear so badly.

Please cite as “FL-1151,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 9 May 2024,