From H. E. Darwin to G. H. Darwin 12 [April 1868]


Friday 12th

Dearest G.

I was beginning to howl mentally when your jolly letter came this morning. I'm so glad things seem going well  I thk both u & Bessy have been treated far better than u deserve considering how easy you both took things. I shall conclude you got Mother's letter addresssed to LeBourg. Did you kno that Mme. Laugel was an American. I told u her sister was married to Edward Dicey

Alice B C. has written to the Jourquenieffs & here is their address 97 Rue de Lille

Eupha advises you to have an introd to the Mohls—but I won't bother them to ur till I hear that you mean to go. If she is rude, she can't absolutely bite you. Your letter shall be sent to Frank—but we shall keep it for Lenny 1st.

I wonder u & Bessy aren't both dead after ur bitter journey. It makes me shudder only to hear of it. Our weather since you went has been as nasty as you like Blustering Nth East wind. Therm under 40 & occasional attempts at sleet & snow. I went out for our airing yesterday in the close carriage with both windows up  Mother & I each with a hot bobby & a wrapper bsides every cloak we possessed, under those circs it wasn't bad. today I will say for it, it is calm & the sun is out. The iron grey's cough is better & she is aproved of. In future I shall call her Grizzel.

There have been 2 rummages. I'll tell'em both if paper holds out. Firstly V. Luskingtons feelings were woiunded at Huxley's expressions about Comte in Physical Basis & he wrote an immense letter to Huxley sending it via Father controverting his views & incidentally accusing him of putting in that sentence of Comtism being Catholicism minus Xtianity to currry favour with the Presbyterians—& also telling him to read Comte. Both of which Huxley considers insulting & says tho' Vernon has a perfect right to hold such opinions he has no right to send them to him Huxley wh. is true eno'— so poor Father has got to say to Huxley I'm sorry I sent it & to tell Vernon what he's been & done. wh. isn't nice. This is rummage no 1.

Rummage no 2 is that the Wedgwood Institute at Burslem erected in honour of old Josiah is on the point of opening & is going to have a grand ceremony. It sends to L.H.P. & asks for loan of picture, is refused, writes again & says, ""we here, people of Burslem have spent £10,000 in honour of your grandfather, won't you do us the favour of a loan of your picture—we will send packer from London & take all expence"" and they refused again!!!! Could you have conceived it. And now comes in the light comedy touches, Mrs. Jos writes to us ""Even I with my want of proper public spirit shd. have no sort of objection to lend a copy"". so as we dont' like to lend ours will u send urs wh. to the common people will be just as good, & if that is not an impudent request couched in the coolest language I shd like to kno what is. Impudent with a little word before it is Father's view of it. Of course we are glad eno' to let them have our picture, but I am sorry that LHP shd have the power of tarnishing the Wedgwood name.

Be a good boy & write us a pretty letter now & then.

Your affec | H.E.D.

Please cite as “FL-1176,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 14 May 2024,