From W. E. Darwin to G. H. Darwin 2 May [1866]


May 2

My Dear Geo.

I forward a very successful letter from Mama; papa seems perfectly wonderfully well, I should like to have seen his bow to H.RH. I have got the wine all safe, but have not opened it yet to see how bad it is. I am just in a state of drains & chloride of lime, being in the act of changing privies into waterclosets, under the hints from the board of works that if I do not do it they have the power to make me. The whole town is probing its drains, and making preparations for our friend the cholera whom we expect in earnest this time.

We have hideous cold weather here to begin May with; tho' some idiots have actually begun picnicing in N. F. already, they tried to get me, but I was luckily in Isle of Wight.

I was staying at Yarmouth with Dashwood a young parson there, I dessay you know who I mean; the lucky monster has just got engaged to a girl with £1500 a year in Chancery.

Your affec WED

Please cite as “FL-1217,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 3 May 2024,