From Emma Darwin to Horace Darwin [29 October 1874]

Down, | Beckenham, Kent.


My dear Skimp

As you are so fine I suppose I must write on good paper.

We expect Miss Thorley & poss. Emily today & they stay till Sat. p.m. so don’t u come home sooner than the 4.12. as that combines well w. their going.

We had a sweet day yesterday & Frank & Amy appeared at 14 to 8. She looks so well & bright & happy. I am afraid they will have rain today to spoil their mooning. George is not very well but is making ready for his night journey to Scotland & I believe he had better go, well or ill.

Bessy & I went to the garden party at the Normans in spite of the soaking showers— It was too damp to stay out of doors so we made a soirée in the drawing room where was the world & his wife & it did very well—

The prettiest girl there to my mind was Edith Bonham Carter sister of Johnny—

Mrs J. B. C. is an agreeable woman & asked about u & said she was sorry she had not been at home to receive u— I might have answered that u were quite comf. without her. She said she knew of a man who was successful in mechanics who had recd all his mechanical education at the London. U. I forget what appointment he had got, but something good.

Yours my | dear old | man E.D.

It seems T.H.F. discovered very much on Drosera to his 2 ladies on his way home along the old Kent road on Monday.

Please cite as “FL-1320,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 2 May 2024,